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Friday, January 4, 2013

Curve Ball

Oil on linen - 8x6"

So my intention to use the 30 in 30 challenge as an attempt to paint more loosely took a hard left today. I had a big 'aha' moment (yay!) The whole pursuit of painting looser seems a little misguided now. It's not about painting loose, or tight, or any other way. What matters is to paint as much like me as I possibly can. (Okay that only took 50 years).

There is more here, but it has not gelled enough to articulate it yet. It's something about less trying and more trusting, less looking out and more looking in. I do know that everything has changed. Will let you know when I figure out exactly what that means.

As I was painting this image, I kept asking myself what was captivating me - and there are SO many elements: The brushed steel texture of the phone box against the shiny black receiver and background wall tiles. The notes of high key colour in the striped rail markings and on the yellow subway ramp. The little colour surprises in the labels on the phone. The dark horizontals and verticals holding it all together. And that awesome coiled metal phone cord - so fun to paint!

No idea what the next painting will bring - but I'm loving the adventure!


  1. Oh - this one is extra fabulous!
    Glad your epiphany finally hit after 50 years!
    I find your work wonderful and not tight at all.

  2. This is really fun to see. With cell phones it's not easy to find a pay phone. Love your work and your posts are so informative and insightful!

  3. Another great painting,I also love the colors that peek out from behind the main subject,they only make it better.

  4. Yeah!....yes.....the pursuit of painting like oneself is always BEST.
    Be true to yourself : ). A beautiful Liz painting. : )

  5. AWESOME painting! I especially love the feeling of steel. You nailed it!

  6. Love hearing of your aha moments and struggles. When I was reading your of hopes to paint more loosely I was kind of perplexed . I don't think of your work as tight. You have a wonderful Liz style going. Best of luck with the 30 in 30.
    Great painting. Crazy to think that pay phones will probably be a thing of the past in a few more years.

  7. Liz - this is it! It's not about painting loose, or tight, or any other way. What matters is to paint as much like me as I possibly can.
    ...It's something about less trying and more trusting, less looking out and more looking in.

    Your insights are tremendously helpful. Thanks again!
    Great painting too.

  8. Liz you said it all when you said "adventure". This is a wonderful painting with so much information in it. Great job.

  9. Nice Liz! I'm really enjoying viewing everyone's fabulous work during this challenge. : )

  10. Sassy!Less thinking, more painting :)Works for me (when I remember)

  11. Another great one! Glad you're enjoying the adventure!

  12. Love the painting, love the 'aha' moment. :)

  13. I so understand what you are saying as I kinda went through the same process this morning. On top of that having not painted in couple of weeks before I jumped into this challenge has been an eye opener...
    Great painting and subject and post.

  14. HI Liz, I just found your blog from the 30 in 30 challenge. I love this painting! I also really like all the work you have here.

  15. Love your AHA moment...we should all listen to our inner selves and let our artwork just arrive instead of trying to force it!!! I love this beautifully done!

  16. Boy, that was succinct!! I am going to print it out and post it on my studio wall. Even if I don't know what 'more like me' means in all cases, just responding to what my gut says the next step should be at the moment can only be 'just like me'! Or could this be also read as 'just like me -at the moment'???

    1. Yay - just like me at the moment - is exactly it. Opens the door to all kinds of fun!

  17. Love this painting and your aha moment! I need that pinned on my easel so that I can remember it! I need to trust myself more...thanks for sharing Liz!

  18. You guys are AWESOME! Thanks for all the great feedback and supportive comments, and I love that what I am discovering is also resonating with so many of you. It affirms that we share so many of the same questions on this creative journey.

    I'm thinking that all we have to do is create space for the answers to find us - and learn to love that place in between.

  19. Hi Liz

    As you know, I'm a tight painter. Have always been and likely always will be. I'll be watching your progress to see what painting 'like you' will turn out to be. When I first saw this painting, without reading your words, I thought: "Wow - this is not like Liz!". So, I find your goal to be "less looking out and more looking in" instructive and liberating and will watch your progress with more attention!

  20. I love all your paintings, and have never felt they were tight. But I so understand what you're saying about looking within to paint more simply. That is one of my ongoing goals, to paint more, by painting less. To paint more luminously, by painting less. I will look forward to hearing what you say about your paintings. Thanks!

    1. Hey Elaine, I'm not so sure it's about painting less, but about thinking differently. I feel like I'm hitting some kind of new stride here and hanging on for the ride.

      I absolutely do think that moving through the land of painting more simply is a necessary part of the journey to here...and now I'm starting to feel like I'm coming out on the other side.

  21. Wow...your "What matters is to paint as much like me as I possibly can" statement really hit home! Thank you for an insight 50 years in the making. :-) I'm enjoying the 30 in 30 and meeting new artists through the challenge! I found your page through Sally Dean. Thanks again!!
