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Saturday, October 3, 2009

"Berry Point" 6"x8"

Just returned home from Denman Island. What a remarkable place Vancouver Island is - such raw, wild energy mixed with moments of incredible peace and stillness. I painted little I liked on this past trip, but much that fed my soul. I know it will show itself in time...

This was a painting I did while still on Gabriola Island that I was quite happy with. It was the middle painting on a day that I was determined to do 3 paintings (the other two were not so hot). I was captivated by the sky and warmed up from my first piece, set up a little 6x8 panel and dove in. It was finished in about 45 minutes, just enough time to get the message down without working it to death. Why can't I do this everytime???

I also had the pleasure of spending a day painting with Robert Genn while on the trip, and he taught me two very valuable things which I will share in my next post.

Gaye Adams and Sarah Kidner assessing a work in progress - Denman Island, BC.


  1. Finally catching up with you, here. I'm sure Sarah told you that I blew into your studio last week. Sorry it was unannounced, we didn't know we'd have the time to stop in our way to The Crossing. Love the little still life paintings you are both doing.
    I did put my name 'in the hat' for Gabriola next year.
    Phone when you get the chance ...
    Love, Alice

  2. Hey Liz,

    "Berry Point painting looks great. I also love
    your latest daily painting "Solo Performer".
    Way to go!

  3. Liz,
    Both Jen and I think the way you capture the light and depth of field is always wonderful. I'm not a painter but i wish i could transfer views like these onto canvas like this. Keep them coming. I need to work harder and get a bigger house to put up some more Ha ha!.
    All the best
