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Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Daily Painting LAUNCH!"

"Study in Orange"
Original Oil 6x6"

I am excited to announce that after working toward this idea for some time, I am finally launching the introduction of my small daily paintings for sale by auction on ebay!

I have created a little inventory of these 6x6" paintings to give myself some breathing room, and I am kicking it off with one of my very favorites - "Study in Orange". This piece was painted as I was starting to figure out the magic of how to capture the translucence of backlit citrus fruit. Any artists out there, I encourage you to give it a try, it is surprisingly easy to achieve this effect by simply applying a slight shift in values as you are painting the orange segment.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the new blog Liz. What nice juicy brushwork on this little painting.
