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Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Stone Gathering" original oil 6x6"

The exercise that worked me the most with this piece was arranging the stones in an interesting way. I started with them in a glass dish, but I really loved the light reflecting up from the cloth into their shadow sides which you couldn't see in the dish. It is interesting to take a square format and a bunch of little shapes and figure out how to fill the space effectively. It took about 7 or 8 attempts to find something I liked, this is an exercise one could do again and again to develop their design skills.


  1. This is unique and wonderful! I love those water smoothed river stones. It is a very soothing painting to gaze at. I hope you do at least a couple more.

  2. I love the originality of this piece. The palette is beautiful and the composition strong. I
    also like the simplicity of it...a very compelling little painting!

  3. Hi Liz! I love this painting!!! I love and your paintings and really enjoy your site, so I just awarded you the Sunshine Blogger award. Congrats, visit my site to retrieve it!
